Landlords over charging Tenants against established Slabs of Nigam Electricity
The increased electricity rates are not the only means of worriment to the tenants but the high charges over the stipulated Nigam slabs by the landlords are also adding to their woes.
The increased electricity rates are not the only means of worriment to the tenants but the high charges over the stipulated Nigam slabs by the landlords are also adding to their woes.
Various owners of the houses, apartments or flats have come out to be charging Rs. 7-8 per unit as against Rs. 3.25- Rs. 6.40 per unit of electricity. Only a few in the city are charging the commercial rates from their tenants.
Following are the prices per unit:
1-50 units: Rs. 3.25 per unit- Rs. 90/month standing charge
51-150 units: Rs. 5.45 per unit- Rs. 180/month standing charge
151-300 units: Rs. 5.70 per unit- Rs. 200/month standing charge
301-500 units: Rs. 6 per unit- Rs. 240/month standing charge
501 and more: Rs. 6.40 per unit- Rs. 260/month standing charge
HT Category connection: 1 and more units- Rs. 5.50 per unit and Rs. 170/month/KVA
These steps should be taken by the tenants in terms of payment for electricity consumption-
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