List of mobile numbers for complaints

List of mobile numbers for complaints

A list of mobile numbers has been issued by municipal corporation for issues of cleanliness etc.

List of mobile numbers for complaints

In case you are troubled with any of the issues of cleanliness, sewerage lines, dead animals, door to door collection of garbage…a list of mobile numbers has been issued by Municipal Corporation. Commissioner Siddharth Sihag said that public can register their complaints on these numbers based on the ward numbers as per list given below:

Ward                                                                     Mobile number

45 to 50                                                                98299-61148, 95878-62248

12, 13, 42, 43, 44                                               94601-14257

5, 9, 10, 11                                                           88908-75221

2, 6, 7, 8                                                                94607-29688

1, 3, 4, 52 to 55                                                  94612-07786, 89496-59969

35 to 38, 51                                                         94604-01731, 86197-74406

31 to 34, 39                                                         94605-72722, 99833-72203

14 to 16, 21, 40                                                  96021-92797

22, 24 to 30                                                         89493-45917

17 to 20, 23, 39, 41 and GulabBagh            94603-02295

For sewerage line maintenance 97832-10911 and 82332-10911

For dead animals 90012-74675, 82903-02270, 70237-42503

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