Health issues which seem common can invite a lot of trouble. The symptoms like cough, cold and fever may not be a normal occurrence as it is quite a well known fact in the present scenario that these symptoms are simliar to that of covid19.
Isolation and also the fear of social abandonment is forcing some people to buy the medicines of common cough and cold so that their visit to the hospital can be avoided. This can very clearly result in the spread of covid19 and prove to be fatal.
Government has hence issued strict orders as per which no medical store will provide any medicine for cough, cold and fever to any person who does not produce a medical prescription for obtaining medicines. Out of fear if people avoid visiting a doctor and simply apporach the medical store, the medical store in turn must inform the authorities so that immediate action can be taken and the concerned person can be screened.
Since the symptoms of corona are also untraceable and people have turned up corona positive without any of the symptoms, the government has decided to become extremely cautious and keep a good control by keeping a check on the people turning up at the medical stores for these medicines.
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