
Leopard Attack Injures Three including Infant

70 year old Guma Gameti of Parsad village and 3 others including his daughter in law and her 2 month old daughter were rushed to M.B. Hospital after they were attacked by a leopard on Tuesday morning.


70 year old Guma Gameti of Parsad village and 3 others including his daughter in law and her 2 month old daughter were rushed to M.B. Hospital after they were attacked by a leopard on Tuesday morning.

The incident occurred on Tuesday morning at 8, when a leopard suddenly entered the house of Guma while chasing a stray dog.
He first attacked Guma’s daughter in law Sadan who was sitting on the floor and feeding her infant daughter and caught hold of her leg.  It later turned towards Guma when he tried to intervene.  The animal attacked the elderly man and injured one of his leg severely, said Laxman husband of Sadan.
Listening to the screams of the victims one of the neighbours, Vellaram rushed to the house of Guma for their rescue but he was also attacked by the beast.  Soon, a huge number of villagers gathered on the spot and started attempting to rescue the victims and control the animal.  Later officials of the Forest department were informed about the mishap and a team of the local police also reached the scene.  The victims were somehow pulled out of the house and rushed to M.B. Hospital for treatment, whereas the efforts to control the leopard continued.  After almost 4 hours of continuous efforts the animal was finally tranquillised and was shifted from the village.
The injured are being treated at MB Hospital and the infant is out of danger.