
No Human Casualty in deadly roof collapse

A boy escaped fatal injury minutes before the roof of his room collapsed.

In a near fatal incident that occurred in a house near GBH American hospital at Bhupalpura Math, the roof of one house caved in.


A boy escaped fatal injury minutes before the roof of his room collapsed.

In a near fatal incident that occurred in a house near GBH American hospital at Bhupalpura Math, the roof of one house caved in. 

A complex is being constructed near this house and the mishap occurred on Sunday when construction material from this complex feel on the roof of the house.  The weight of the construction material destroyed the rod of the house.

The house is owned by Vinod David, former employee of RSMM.

No casualty had been reported in the incidence accept loss to property , but the incident could have been different and near fatal.  Vinod’s son was having his meal in the bedroom and few minutes after he had finished the meal and left the room, did the roof on the begotten collapsed.

No loss of life or injury has been resorted but a lot of items kept in the room as well as the room itself have been destroyed causing some monetary loss.

Vinod added that he and his family members were sitting in the nearby room of the house and they rushed to their bedroom  after listening to the sound.

The bedroom was completely damaged and all the items kept in the room were also get destroyed in mishap, Vinod said.

Soon a team of local police station rushed to the scene for rescue.

As per Vinod, the under constructing building belongs to a renowned jeweler of the city.