Law and Order in Udaipur: Internet Services Shutdown for 24hours from 10pm on 16 August
Shutdown will not affect Lease Lines, Broadband Lines and Landlines...
Updated: Aug 16, 2024, 23:10 IST
The Udaipur Administration has announced that Mobile Internet Services will be shutdown in Udaipur for a period of 24 hours, beginning 10pm on 16 August. This decision has been taken in order to maintain law and order after the mini riots that occured in Udaipur in the second half on 16 August.
As per the administrative order, mobile internet will be shutdown across Udaipur and will cover Udaipur City, Bedla, Badgaon, Balicha, Debari, Eklingpura, Kanpur, Dhikli and Bhuwana.
This shutdown will affect all Mobile Internet services and will NOT INCLUDE Lease Lines, Broadband Lines and Internet Services connected to Telephone Landlines.