
Smart electricity metres: AVVNL goes smart

AVVNL to provide smart metres to every house.


Tired of excess amount in the electricity bill? Here is good news. AVVNL has taken measures to deal with bills showing stupendously excess amount and electricity thefts. Smart electricity metres will be installed to deal with problems faced by consumers regarding excess amount throwing up in the bill.

Every house will now be equipped with smart electricity metres which will be connected to the net. All consumption data will henceforth be available online. The employees of the department will not be required to go door to door for metre reading once the smart metres are installed. Smart metres will put an end to consumers’ complaints regarding inadequate amount. Earlier pre-paid metres were installed as per which electricity was provided as per recharge done by the consumers. Most of the government offices are connected via pre-paid metres. But this did not put an end to complaints regarding discrepancies in the bills. Smart metres are likely to put an end to all complaints regarding electricity consumption and bills.

Functioning of the metre

The smart metre technology will be based on radio wave frequency. It will keep a record of every unit consumed. This is likely to put an end to electricity theft and tampering. Online information will be available about the working duration of the metre. AVVNL will have a record for every 30 minutes of consumption. This record chart has been referred to as MRI.

Proposal for smart metres is already in the pipeline. It has to be put into action by AVVNL. A proposal for the funding of this project has been given to the Smart city project as well.


Trouble faced by consumers regarding excessive amounts in the electricity bills has been a matter of concern since long. With the smart metres, consumers can expect a good solution to their problems.