Easyday to Celebrate Christmas with Underprivileged Children

Easyday Market store, owned and operated by Bharti Retail, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bharti Enterprises, situated at Celebration Mall, Udaipur, has started Christmas celebrations in a unique way by partnering with the customers in the ‘Stars of Joy’ activity, an initiative aimed at spreading the joy of education amongst underprivileged children in their own community.

Easyday to Celebrate Christmas with Underprivileged Children

Easyday Market store, owned and operated by Bharti Retail, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bharti Enterprises, situated at Celebration Mall, Udaipur, has started Christmas celebrations in a unique way by partnering with the customers in the ‘Stars of Joy’ activity, an initiative aimed at spreading the joy of education amongst underprivileged children in their own community.

The program is launched by the Easyday Market stores to collect money through the sale of colorful stars to customers, priced at a nominal value of Rs.20 each.

Customers will be encouraged to hang the stars on a large Christmas tree placed in the store. The accumulated amount will be donated to HOPE Foundation for Bharti Retail’s education project ‘Masti ki Paathshaala’.

The project is being implemented in 50 schools adopted by Bharti Retail which emphasizes on girls education. This project aims to improve the quality of education for 20,000 children of which 75% will be girls. Currently, the project has reached out to benefit more than 9,000 girls. The ‘Stars of Joy’ initiative has started from 12th December and it will continue up to 31st December 2011.

Our Education initiatives are aimed at improving the quality of education for children in Government and NGO-run schools. We recently launched ‘Masti ki Paathshaala’ (Fun while learning at school) in July 2011, partnering with Bharti and HOPE Foundations to adopt 50 schools and impact 20,000 children, of which 75% will be girls.

The objectives of this program are to improve the quality of education through the distribution of stationery, improve infrastructure by providing furniture such as desks, chairs, etc, promote sanitation and clean water drinking by donating water filters, organize volunteering and mentoring activities in which Bharti Retail staff would share lessons on the importance of education, health and hygiene, staying in school, having life goals and stressing the importance of educating girls.

via pressnote