
Guru Nanak School Celebrates its Foundation Day

The Guru Nanak Public Senior Secondary School at Sector-4, Hiran Magri celebrated its Foundation Day and Guru Nanak Dev Prakash Utsav today, on 3rd December. Various activities were conducted in order to make the day special and effective. Top students of the school were also honored for their good academic performance which was followed by addresses of various prominent personalities present in the event.


The Guru Nanak Public Senior Secondary School at Sector-4, Hiran Magri celebrated its Foundation Day and Guru Nanak Dev Prakash Utsav today, on 3rd December. Various activities were conducted in order to make the day special and effective.

Top students of the school were also honored for their good academic performance which was followed by addresses of various prominent personalities present in the event.

Chief Guest, Gulabchand Kataria was honored by the school authorities and while addressing the students, Kataria enlightened them on the traits of the personality of Guru Nanak Dev and advised students to live on the principal of Guru Nanak.

The function was also addressed by Former Secretary KS Gill, President Mahendra Pal Singh Likhari, Secretary of institution AmarpalSingh Pahawa, ex-President Manohar Singh Sachhar and D. S Pahwa.

The event was concluded by a Shabd Kirtan presented by students and Raagi Jathha which was followed by Kirtan and Langar.

Fauja Singh, ex-President, Satnam Singh, B.L. Menaria and Firdous Pathan, Principal were also present in the event.