
Zawar to host India’s first Geo-Heritage site

Home to Silver, Lead and Zinc mining for over 2500 years, Zawar is set to have India’s first Geo-heritage site. Towards this, the State Geological Survey of India had sent a recommendation to National Geological Survey of India. As per updates from the department, clearance is expected soon for this proposal. Geo-heritage site will give visitors […]


Home to Silver, Lead and Zinc mining for over 2500 years, Zawar is set to have India’s first Geo-heritage site. Towards this, the State Geological Survey of India had sent a recommendation to National Geological Survey of India. As per updates from the department, clearance is expected soon for this proposal.

Geo-heritage site will give visitors a peek into the rich history of Zawar. British Museum London and MS University Baroda has proofs via carbon dating of elements dating back to 648AD. American Society of Metal had noted Zawar extractions and its role for over 2500 years. It noted usage of Zawar extractions  in making of utensils and artifact in both India and abroad since long.

As part of the Geo-heritage site, an advance museum (interpretation centre) will be coming up. It will exhibit the uniqueness and history of Zawar. There will be marking of 15 sites for visits along with development of traffic, canteen, parking etc facilities.

Arjun Lal Meena, Udaipur Legislator said that Geo-heritage site is a step towards getting Zawar acknowledged as a UNESCO heritage site and that efforts are on to get funds from the Central Govt.