
A teacher is known for the values delivered...

by: Shahnaz Sikander Amar

Once again the date,5th September arrives ,once again the Teachers are eulogized. Once again the awards for best teachers are distributed around the town and across the country. Once again programmes such as Salaam Teachers are hosted by different radio channels to show reverence to selected few teachers. 

Once again there is fervor of Teachers Day celebration everywhere, once again Teachers are being nominated for the best Teacher award of the Year like celebrities for IIfa award ceremony. What is the parameter for judging a teacher,a question to myself, do teachers really need verdict of some self appointed judges for honoring them.

As a teacher, is my identity limited only to this particular date or to certain awards? Do I really need a hallmark to prove my credentials? Do I really need to advertise my expertise in different radio programs to gain respect?

Am I not above all this paparazzi?

A teacher doesn't need the acknowledgements through trophies and laurels but his true acknowledgement comes when his student follows the imprints of his footsteps and carries forward the legacy of his mentor.

The status of a teacher is non assessable; a teacher's value is invaluable, which no stock market can buy. A teacher's dignity and integrity are mirrored in the personality of his or her students.

This is the true scale of measuring a  Teacher's greatness and his impact upon society. Teachers should be the ambassadors of society capable of changing the flow of the wind in favourable direction and not vice versa.

The aim of a Teacher should always be to make a difference in the world, to lead abn exemplary life with high values, so that the values are remembered and followed till long after.

The author, Shahnaz Amar is an English language teacher at St Gregorios School, Udaipur. The views expressed are of the author alone.

The image has been used for representation purposes only.