
Away from this rush - Abhijeet

This place will be the one where I’ll love myself the most, the one where love is in the air and I’ll be that love's host...

Away from this rush I want to travel to a place,
one where there’s all silence and easy listening to what everyone says...

Where the day would start with the chirping of the birds,
and people go to work traveling in herds...

Where the breakfast is served on large green leaves,
and there should be a lake near to watch the reefs...

Where a bath in the waterfall should be planned nearby,
where nakedness is not seen with eyes of dirty minds...

Where the Forest walks and the group talks are prior,
where each day is an adventure and every night awaits a bonfire...

Where there is enough grass for me to walk barefooted on it,
where the clouds cover the sky making the moon to peep through it...

Where lips are kissed and eyes are the orators,
where everyone rhymes and all are mind readers...

Where silence is preferred and words are ignored,
still we are happy and not at all bored...

Where the sun sets in the atmosphere haze,
causing us to leave everything and just steadily gaze...

Where the nights arrive with those glimmering stars on the sky,
and we sit there quietly getting lost in this sight...

Hold hands of the one we like and just talk to them about anything,
and just keep reciting stories with our complete zing...

Where I’m set all free and no limits that bound,
and I can do what I wish and there’s no one who hounds(annoys)...

This place will be the one where I’ll love myself the most,
the one where love is in the air and I’ll be that love's host...

Written by:

Abhijeet Nautiyal
ME student, Chartered Institute of Technology, 
Abu Road