
Beautiful places of Udaipur – Jag Mandir

Jag Mandir also known as Lake garden palace is built on an island in Lake Pichola. The construction of this palace started in 1551 by Maharana Amar Singh. It was continued by Maharana Karan Singh (1620-1628) and it was finally completed by Maharana Jagat Singh (1628-1652) and named after Maharana Jagat Singh. It was used […]


Jag Mandir also known as Lake garden palace is built on an island in Lake Pichola. The construction of this palace started in 1551 by Maharana Amar Singh. It was continued by Maharana Karan Singh (1620-1628) and it was finally completed by Maharana Jagat Singh (1628-1652) and named after Maharana Jagat Singh. It was used by the royal families as a summer resort and also for rest and recuperation.

As the story goes, Shah Jahan had once rebelled against his own father Emperor Jahangir in 1623. Because there was a fear of failure of his campaign, he had sought refuge in Mewar and was given shelter by Maharana Karan Singh very specifically because Shah Jahan’s mother was a Rajput lady. He was made to stay in the City palace initially and later shifted to Gul Mahal in the midst of lake. Shah Jahan was originally known as Khurram, hence this palace was also referred to as Khurram’s Palace. Gul mahal was built for Shah Jahan which was later enlarged by Maharana Jagat Singh after  Maharana Karan Singh’s death in 1628 and he named it as Jag Mandir Palace. The revelation is that Shah Jahan was so impressed by this palace that it became an inspiration for him in building the Taj Mahal.

The Jag Mandir endorsed Maharan Jagat Singh as one of the best architects of the Mewar Dynasty.

The Jag Mandir Palace includes the Gul Mahal built in 1551 by Maharana Amar Singh, Garden Courtyard where parties were hosted, Darikhana- an open sided terrace, Baarah pattharon ka mahal- named so because 12 marble slabs were during construction, Zenana Mahal, the frontage or the facade with statues of 4 elephants and the Kunwarpada Mahal.