
Class Acts

The world of business can be very heart-rending at times and this has nothing to do with money or the inevitable rise and fall of fortunes. Instead it can be difficult and sad because so many of the people one meets in the world of business are greedy, egomaniacal, and two-faced; therefore, business and friendship don’t often mix.


The world of business can be very heart-rending at times and this has nothing to do with money or the inevitable rise and fall of fortunes.  Instead it can be difficult and sad because so many of the people one meets in the world of business are greedy, egomaniacal, and two-faced; therefore, business and friendship don’t often mix.

But there are exceptions and when they occur, they are worth writing about.  In my recent trip to Udaipur, I found a few.  During the stay, my  gracious hosts Manish and Ruchika Godha of Advaiya gathered a group of Udaipur business people for a dinner dedicated NOT to new ways of making money but to ways in which we could create a plan for the flowering of Udaipur as an innovation destination.  I was really impressed by the magnanimity they showed and the unvarnished interest they had in their communities.

In a wonderful trip to IIM Udaipur, I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Janat Shah, Joel Xavier, and Shabir Hussain.  Shah, the Director, is a charming person who clearly is interested in institutional building and not personal aggrandizement.  This colleagues Xavier and Hussain were passionate when they talked about the students and their growth opportunities.  Stunningly refreshing conversation – I’ve been to many business schools and rarely do I find people with such a vision for building society, not just companies and profits.

Finally, I had the pleasure of meeting T. Bhaskaran, the Manager in Residence at The Lalit Laxmi Vilas hotel.  He was a charming, charismatic person with a clear passion for this property and for Udaipur (despite only being in the city for a year or less.)  We had a wonderful dinner in the spacious lawn and he walked me through the plan for the property and his desire to make the Laxmi Vilas a jewel in the Udaipur ecosystem.  He had the confidence and demeanor of a person who knows his product is good and therefore need not oversell it.

When you meet people like these you realize how refreshing it is to associate with people who are straightforward, honest, generous, intelligent, and ambitious for their communities not just themselves.

Thanks folks!