
NDA Version 3.0: Indian Democracy has made a statement once again, System Reboot needed


NDA Version 3.0 – Not Uploading. Possible Errors: Download Latest Patch of Nitish.exe (scan for virus) Download TDP-Naidu.exe (post successfully downloading earlier exe). Check for malicious file in current folder.

Once done, make sure Third-party Software I.N.D.I.A, which would now be needed time and again to create external reports, also runs on same OS and in same network.

Well, I am no political geek but this is how I can interpret “400 not par“Season 3 of Indian Political League, which finally concluded on 4 June.  It sprung big surprises mostly for the existing setup, which was relying on legacy systems for 10 years now. It was time to reboot and upload new features and remove malware, which has affected the efficiency of the system (eco-system). It’s time to debug . Big time.

As a user, I want my system to work perfectly and handshake with other peripheral systems attached to it.  This is only way an IT eco-system works. Free from Bugs and scalable to newer needs.

Put this analogy into the current political affairs. What would a common Indian expect of their Prime Minister, from the verdict.

  1. The outgoing PM Narendra Modi, said in his winning speech on 4 June spoke of getting more strict on corruption. Well, scanning for viruses, start from your own system. Its time all recent bugs/neats, which are imported from outside sources /parties (who already were infected with serious ransom ware threats) needs to be cleaned first. Remember, when we show the index finger to someone, the other three are facing towards us. Its time to make your own party corruption free. Ghar Nikala. Lead by example. If the party is decorated with corrupt leaders, how do you expect to clean others.
  2. Please leave Gods/Goddesses/Prophets/Saints in their own domain. They are tired working 24/7 specially for the ruling party, for the past decade. It time they devote themselves to much larger issues in this world, for starters, climate control. They have worked overtime for your regime and contributed for the initial 10 years. No more new patches of this software Sir. Time to upgrade.
  3. Main Stream Media was always on Alt-Tab mode. Used for the benefit to hide the main screen. Its time they become the screensaver and always remain alive, as blank screen may confuse someone as a server shut down . After remaining in power of 10 years, why is the main stream leading party scared of media. If you are clean and confident then let them report what is not being reported in past 10 years.  Indeed they are the weekly updates, which we need to keep the system running smoothly.
  4. Tighten your HR manager (did I mention Home Minister?)  to ensure level playing field to all users. Lets not make separate cubicles based on caste, creed, food preference, etc. Utlimalety all are working for the same organization. It time to stop dividing the people of India. Enough is Enough. Unity is Diversity is the essacen on which this country in based on. I am sure that the crystal report generated yesterday has shown you what happens when employees take things in their charge.
  5. Upgrade your PR . Your IT cell is now obsolete . What worked for 10 years wont work now. Even Whatsup university needs a break. I would say destroy the data which is filled with malicious trojans.  Start with a clean disc and regulate your communication with facts and not phantoms.
  6. Time for monopoly is over as there are other start ups across the street . It took them 10 years to build from scratch, but this time they are for real. Your team should start making products for the common man, else the new start ups will slowly and gradualy eat into your customer base. Its a numbers game, Sir. You know it better than us. No Numbers No Thunders No Wonders. Modi ki Guarantee se hato... Sarkaar ki Guarantee batao. Come out of the Me mode.

Disclaimer : Above are few quick check needed for the system to work seamlessly. Timely upgrades and updates would be flashed without any further charges. Please ask your Team to check for viruses before downloading. We guarantee support till 2029 based on how you follow all the T&C mentioned in Constitution of India.

The views expressed above are of the Authors alone.