

Attitude of Trump is apparently shaky - he initially bestowed praise on China for its response to fight against this epidemic, but now has labelled China as the culprit

By: Mahendra K Kothari, Honorary Correspondent, UdaipurTimes, Ahmedabad

The big question, which still haunts the world community is from where the Coronavirus has originated. This pandemic has taken almost the entire world in its spread - the question that still remains unanswered is about its real origin.  In undertones the world points its finger at China and that the WHO did not react as swiftly as it ought to have.

In a salvo fired on Saturday, the US President Donald Trump warned China that it whould face consequences if it was "knowingly responsible" for the coronavirus pandemic, as he criticized Beijing over its handling of the outbreak. As per press reports Trumph commented "It could have been stopped in China before it started and it wasn't, and the whole world is suffering because of it," In the war of words, Trumph went on to curtail the sanction US granted to WHO accusing it of being  ‘China-centric’.  Today Germany sparked an outrage in China, when a major German newspaper outlined an itemised 130billion pound invoice to China, asking the oriental country to reimburse the expenses that China owes Germany following the virus outbreak.

It was the latest US volley in a war of words between the world's two powerful economies, indicating increased stresses between the two in relations at a time when entire world community needs better co-operation to fight against unprecedented threat and to deal with the coronavirus epidemic.

"If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, I mean, then sure there should be consequences," Trump said. He did not spell out modalities as to how and what actions the United States would take against China.

There were news to the effect that Washington and Beijing have repeatedly passed comments on each other over this deadly virus in which China blamed that its origin is attributed to US military. The attitude of Trump is sometimes shaky when he initially bestowed praise on China for its response to fight against this epidemic, but now has labelled China as the culprit.

Whatsoever the fact may be but today entire world community is heavily dependent on China for personal protection equipment and other support. The world economy revolves around some of the powerful economies including China and USA.

The question remains unanswered is that who is responsible for this virus? Today, almost entire world is stand still due to lock down partially or wholly or other similar arrangements to save humanity from this epidemic. The fact before us is that this virus first spread its wings in Wuhan in China. There have been allegations that China knowingly under quoted the actual figures of disease and its cause, thus keeping the world community in the dark.  

Today, everyone in busy in their fight against COVID-19. It is eating away economies, the fear of mass unemployment is real, normalcy remains uncertain but the big question in mind is that whether we would ever know as to who is responsible? And culprit would be known to world community or it shall remain a mystery forever.