
5 - Mistakes that every digital marketer are making every day

What do you do if you have to search for digital marketing courses

Having a website isn’t all in all of digital marketing. It is probably the first mistake every novice digital marketing professional does. As they learn and experience, they know better. However, the domain of the digital industry is vivid and varied, and it is quite okay to misunderstand a few aspects and commit mistakes. It is also okay to lose your sense of direction while navigating through the vast expanse of digital India programme. But it is not okay to run like headless chickens, have a false sense of accomplishment or wondering why your digital marketing remains underperforming. If you don’t want to be at the receiving end and fast-track your way to digital marketing success, here are 5-mistakes that you should avoid at any cost.

Ignoring Mobile Users

What do you do if you have to search for digital marketing courses at CIDM? A hand in the pocket and swoosh, there comes the magical weapon that takes you to the depth of the internet and lets you find what you are seeking. So, why are you ignoring mobile SEO? Not m-website. That belonged to an era gone by. We are here talking a website created for mobile and optimised for mobile users. The files and images compressed for search engines to crawl through quickly and the content crisp and to-the-point to convey the point to mobile users.


More than fifty per cent of users don’t trust a company or business that doesn’t offer a mobile-optimised experience.

Not having a blog

According to the eminent marketing expert, Neil Patel, not having a blog can be detrimental for your business’s digital marketing health. Blogs are a great way to get connected with your customers and targeted audiences. It is a place where you can make personal connections, talk to them, strike an informal conversation and get their feedback. You can also link your blog to social media to get more traction. It is also a platform where you can share detailed information regarding your products or have visually appealing content to tell them who you are or what they are in for.

Wrong metrics

So, you are getting lots of traffic but no conversion? Do your social media channels have lots of likes and shares, but no sales lead? It is time to have a look at the metrics you are using to derive insights and make business decisions. Likes, followers and lots of traffic are often considered to be ‘vain metrics’ if you can’t steer them in the right direction. For instance, organic reach on Facebook and other social media is declining gradually. It is time to pay them to give you prominence and the desired reach as well as results.

Similarly, backlinks are often considered as a sign of domain authority. However, you need to understand quality trumps quantity. Don’t go on a spree to get backlinks from right, left and centre. Instead, link to a better website withmore than average domain authority.

Limited use of social media

So, you have a Facebook page. What about it? Having a page on Facebook or Instagram just doesn’t cut it.  A new business or sometimes, even traditional corporate groups and MNCsignore the power and potential of fully-integrated and updated social media channels. Half-assed and half-way things of doing social media won’t let you go anywhere and will also create a feeling of disillusionment and distrust in a customer’s mind.Scattered social media also implies lack of brand value and engagement on a business’ part. Not interacting with customers, not posting on social media regularly or not addressing customers’ concern can hamper your digital marketing efforts.

Not targeting the right customers

One of the few reasons behind an underperforming digital marketing campaign is failing to understand the targeted customers. You can’t design your digital marketing campaign for everyone. If you don’t know your customers, you don’t know their personas, their buying behaviour, demographics and their psyche. Remember, knowledge is power. If you have information and data-driven insights regarding your customers, you can create crystal-clear strategies andaccurate campaigns that appeal to their purchasing pattern.

If your digital marketing campaign isn’t performing well, don’t worry. It is time to self-analyse and dive-deep into your business, and associated practices to understand where you are lacking. However, never fret in any situation, because being a digital marketer, you can’t be complacent and need to make learning a life-long process.