
ALERT SBI Customers!! Chinese Hackers are Targetting You

Malicious links to update KYC can drain your account. DO NOT CLICK on them.

Online frauds have been causing trouble for public.

The biggest issue is that where some of the money lost has been recovered, there on the other hand some people have lost every bit of their hard earned money and there is no trace of the fraudsters.

People need to be alert. Online frauds are on the rise once again. Since most of the work is being done online, the hackers have found various ways to cheat people. In one such alert, SBI customers are being alerted that Chinese hackers are targeting SBI customers for which they need to be extremely careful.

To avoid such mishaps, banks have requested people to practice safe banking methods and not share OTP with anyone. Customers must not click on any link even if it looks authentic. SBI customers are being sent dubious links by Chinese hackers for updating their KYC details.

The biggest and the most important point to be noted is that the links look very authentic. First the customers are being sent SMS or a Whatsapp message asking people to update their KYC details via the link sent in the message. After the link is clicked, the customers are asked to update their KYC. On clicking the link it redirects the customers to a page which looks exactly like the official website of the bank.

On these fraud sites, the customers are asked to share their SBI banking details such as username, password and Captcha info and others. After these details are entered, the customers receive an OTP from the bank. The hackers use your credentials and the OTP and transfer money from your account.

The research wing of New Delhi-based think tank CyberPeace Foundation, along with Autobot Infosec Pvt Ltd, studied two such incidents on the name of SBI that were faced by some smartphone users. “All the domain names associated with the campaign have the registrant country as China,” the research team said.

The campaign is pretended to be launched from State Bank of India but hosted on 3rd party domain instead of official website of SBI. People should avoid using such links and not open any of these and also not give OTP to anybody at all. Basically no bank ever asks for OTP or ATM pin or any such details over phone. Stay Alert!!

(inputs from india.com)

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