
How Does Investing In Ulip Plans Can Give You Maximum ROI With Lowest Risk


Return On Investment (ROI) is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of a given investment and is calculated by determining how much excess profit (or gain) was earned on an investment relative to the amount of money spent or invested. As we proceed in this blog, we shall learn why Ulip plans are the best to gain maximum ROI on investment.

The term "return" means the gain or profit made, while "investment" is the value of money expended on the investment. While ROI can be worked out for any kind of return such as interest, dividends, or rent, it is most commonly applied to profits resulting from an equity investment in capital markets such as shares or stocks.

What’s The Role or Return on Investments?

Whenever you invest, you have a specific purpose for it. A majority of people invest in something to gain returns on the amount they’ve invested. To gauge the efficiency of your investment, you can check its potential gains. This allows you to determine whether a particular investment instrument is profitable or not. The ROI metric helps you understand the performance history of a particular investment scheme.

If a scheme delivers equal or more than promised returns, it’s considered an excellent source of investment. Due to this reason, return on investments (ROI) is considered important for both equity-linked investment instruments like bonds or ULIPs, and equity & fixed-income assets like provident funds or fixed deposits. It’s essentially a comparison metric that helps you know about the return factor of a particular investment to help you manage your financial portfolio accordingly.

What Are the Benefits of ROI?


The return on investments, abbreviated as ROI, is considered as an all-pervasive metric that can be used for a wide range of purposes apart from investments in financial instruments. That’s why it’s a very versatile metric with a host of other applications.

Ease of Usage

The process of calculating ROI for a particular investment is extremely straightforward and doesn’t consist of any complexities. That’s why it is highly approachable and doesn’t require the use of any complex tools to calculate the ROI for your preferred investment channels.

Facilitates Financial Decisions

With the help of ROI, you can get a better idea about the performance of your investments as an investor. This allows you to make better financial choices and choose instruments that offer greater returns, which in turn result in higher profits.

Various Ways to Invest in India

Bank Fixed Deposits

Bank fixed deposits (FDs) are one of the most common types of investment opportunities available in India. With this investment, you can enjoy a fixed interest rate on your principal amount. You can easily invest in FDs through your nearest bank or post office. These investments offer guaranteed returns over flexible maturity periods. All you have to do is make a lump sum payment and enjoy an interest rate, which is destined to be higher than that of a traditional savings account.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are one of the most popular sources of investments available in India at very affordable rates. The main ideology behind these investments is that they collect a pool of monetary resources from investors like you and invest in a variety of financial instruments that include funds like equities, venture capitals, debts, and so on. If you’re an investor with basic financial knowledge, mutual funds are certainly a good investment option for you as they don’t require any financial proficiency. Most of the mutual fund investment providers have dedicated fund managers who take care of your portfolio on your behalf.


In simplest terms, stocks can be considered as equity investments made in a particular company. When you purchase stocks of a company, you’re essentially taking the ownership of a part of the company in papers. To be able to invest in stocks, you need to have in-depth knowledge of the financial market. Moreover, as these investments are directly linked with the market’s volatility, they carry a significant amount of risk. Therefore, if you’re a risk-averse investor, you should consider investing somewhere else instead.


As you may already know, gold is a commodity whose price tends to fluctuate over time, which makes it a great source of investment for people. Over the past two or three decades, the price of gold has seen a steady rise. Moreover, if you’re planning to do a long-term investment, gold is a very low-risk choice for you. However, to glide away from any potential market risks, you should only invest a specific percentage of your total investment amount in gold.

Unit Linked Insurance Plans

With the benefits of both investments and insurance, ULIPs are emerging as one of the most popular sources of investments available in India. These investment plans can be availed through a variety of insurance companies with varying features and benefits. It’s not only a great source of investment to accumulate wealth, but also offers financial security to your family members and dependents in the event of your unfortunate demise.

Why ULIPs Are the Safest Investment Option for You?

Investments can go highly unpredictable at times, which makes most people shy away from instruments that have risk involved with them. Moreover, the existing risk-free options in the market cannot provide adequate returns to beat the rate of inflation. However, Unit Linked Insurance Plans have emerged as one of the few investment-linked plans that allow you to accumulate wealth without much risk involved. With exceptionally low charges and a variety of fund options, ULIP investment is the safest option available in India presently.

Final Words

If you want to grow your wealth, it is necessary to make financial investments as early as possible. By understanding the concept of ROI, you can align your investments in a better way and make more accurate financial decisions. Therefore, consider checking out the various investment options available along with their associated ROI and choose an investment scheme that matches your requirements.