
Udaipur District Legal Authority takes cogniscance of abduction of minor girl from Assam

The 17 year-old girl was kidnapped from Assam by a couple in Churu, Rajasthan

Escaped and took shelter at a rehab home in Udaipur

A minor girl (teenage) from Assam staying at a rehab centre in Udaipur was found to be a victim of human trafficking. The District Legal Authority took cognigence for a teenage victim of human trafficking from Assam who was sold to few people of Rajasthan's Churu district for Rs. 2 Lakh.

According to sources, a teenage girl has been staying at a rehab centre in Udaipur for quite some time. It was when the Secretary of District Legal Services Authority and Additional District Magistrate Kuldeep Sharma visited the rehabilitation centre in Udaipur and spoke to the girl, did the whole matter come to light.

The girl, 17 years of age had been sent to a rehabilitation centre at Udaipur by the local Police, after she escaped from a house where she was kept imprisoned.

The Background of the Kidnapping

The 17 year old victim girl, while sharing her ordeal with Sharma said that she was brought from her village by a couple, to be sold for money and was forced to marry an unkown man. She said that she was brought to Rajasthan from her village in Assam by a couple through pimps. She was made to swallow some liquid after which she remained unconscious for 2 days. Once she gained conciousness, she was forced into marriage with a man in exchange of Rs. 2 lakhs.

When the girl resisted, she was brought to Udaipur and kept imprisoned at a house in the city. The couple attempted to sell her back to the pimps for Rs 4 lakhs. When the pimps refused, the girl was locked into a house in Udaipur where she was beaten and tortured. Somehow she managed to escape the house and landed at a Police Station with the help of another woman. 

As per the caretaker of the rehab centre, Kiran Patel, the girl was brought to the centre by the Police on 6 September.

The Secretary of District  Legal Authority and Additional District Judge Kuldeep Sharma have taken cogniscance and ordered the Anti Human Trafficking Unit to investigate the matter and take strict penal action against the culprits involved in the trafficking of the victim girl.