
Double Murder of Elderly Ladies in Navratan Complex, Udaipur

Postmortem details awaited...


This is a Breaking News... will be updated with more details

A scintillating case of dual murders was reported from Diamond Complex in the Navratan residential area situated in north end of Udaipur on Friday, 27 October.

As per initial reports, the victims are elderly ladies from the Dawoodi Bohra Community and stay in a bungalow in Navratan Complex, near Bedla Road. As per initial reports the deceased, Sara and Hussaina belong to the Dawoodi Bohra Community and were staying alone in a bungalow in Diamond Complex. Reportedly, the house help was on leave when the incident happened.

<a href=https://youtube.com/embed/6IXqk9yFQ98?autoplay=1&mute=1><img src=https://img.youtube.com/vi/6IXqk9yFQ98/hqdefault.jpg alt=""><span><div class="youtube_play"></div></span></a>" style="border: 0px; overflow: hidden"" style="border: 0px; overflow: hidden;" width="640">

The Ambamata Police, have begun investigations into the alleged murder and postmortem will be conducted on Saturday, 28 October at the MB Hospital in Udaipur.

Incident details

The two deceased ladies were sisters and were staying in the same bungalow. The watchman of the colony noticed smoke coming out of a window and entered the house to check. There he noticed the two bodies, which were having wounds on their bodies. When the alarm was raised, police reached the house and the FSL team was summoned. The police team led by Addl SP Lokendra Dadarwal have begun their investigations.

The police informed that there were marks on their bodies, which suggested attack with a sharp weapon.

On enquiring from neighbors, we were informed that the ladies, Sara and Hussaina were staying alone in the house when the incident happened and the house maid was on leave for some days, due to Navratri.