
Jagdish Temple pujari and wife beaten by neighbours

Jagdish Temple pujari and his wife were beaten up by neighbours.


Jagdish Temple pujari and his wife were beaten by neighbours 2 days back. There was a showdown by public followed by closing up of market area.

As per news, pujari of Jagdish Temple was on his way home after visiting the temple with his wife on the morning of 25th January. He was walking ahead of his wife and reached home. His wife was walking slowly and the moment she reached close to the house, neighbour Firoza blocked her way and started beating her. Firoza’s family members also came out and started hitting pujari and his wife with weapons. All this was recorded in the CCTV footage based on which police have arrested these neighbours.

As per the temple pujari, the neighbours are trying to base their argument on property matters but that is not actually the case. He said that he bought the house 15 years back from someone else. His neighbours have very often raised arguments and beaten up a number of people in the colony. A report was registered against the neighbours in July after which they had pleaded peace. The temple pujari also said that his neighbours keep throwing dirt and waste materials outside his house which causes inconvenience.

After this incident, Jagdish Chowk area witnessed a very aggressive scene. Displeased by the act, people did a show down at Clock Tower police station. Shops from Bhattiyani Chohatta to Jagdish Chowk and City Palace to Clock Tower were closed. The neighbours of pujari family were arrested only after people demanded that they be arrested else market would remain closed. Many organisations came in support of pujari family.

Prior to this when police did not take any action against the accused, temple pujari’s wife contacted Sushma Kumawat of NCW and reported the matter to her. After this, Sushma Kumawat spoke to SP and requested for strict action to be taken. She assured the victims that a detailed investigation report will be prepared on this incident.

(media  reports)