
19 Year old girl seeks Rajasthan High Court’s protection to pursue higher education

The Court orders Rajasthan Police to provide protection to the girl...


Despite government initiatives and warnings, child marriages persist in the state. The result of child marriage emanates much later when the children/child reaches an age of maturity and realised what she/he has been forced into. Such a story has come forth from Chittorgarh, where a 19 year old girl, who was allegeldy married off while she was still a minor, has approached the Court to grant her security in order for her to pursue higher studies.

In this case, Advocate Bharat Shrimali disclosed that the 19 year old girl's (Complainant) parents compelled her into an unwanted marriage during her childhood, citing social customs. However, the in-laws subjected her to ill-treatment and also denied her the opportunity to pursue education.

Following this, the complainant returned to her parent's home. However, under societal pressure, her parents insisted on sending her back to her in-laws. Driven by a strong desire for education, the complainant decided to leave her parent’s home. Faced with threats, she reported the matter to the Police Superintendent, but allegedly, no appropriate action was taken. 

Subsequently, the complainant filed a petition for protection before the Honorable High Court. The Honorable High Court, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, issued an order to the Police Superintendent of Chittorgarh to ensure the complainant's safety. If necessary, the court directed the provision of police protection to prevent any harm to her. 

Abstract from Order of Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur

Taking cue from the judgment rendered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Lata Singh Vs. State of U.P. Reported in AIR 2006 SC 2522, the prayer made by the petitioner for directing the Superintendent of Police, Chittorgarh to provide protection to the petitioner deserves to be accepted. The Superintendent of Police, Chittorgarh shall have the matter enquired into and if so required, appropriate protection shall be provided to the petitioner as and when warranted. The S.P. Chittorgarh shall ensure that no harm is caused to the petitioner, who has faced harassment at the hands of her parents and in-laws.