
Theft in wine shop at Balicha bypass

Liquor worth 4.2 lakh rupees was taken away
The burglars cut down the iron sheet at the back side of the shop for entering

A wine shop was robbed on late Thursday night at Balicha bypass. The burglars took away liquor worth 4.20 lakh rupees. They entered the shop from the backside by cutting the iron sheet.

As per reports, the shop owner closed the shop at 8 p.m. on Thursday and returned home. His salesman opened the shop the next morning at 10 a.m. and saw that there was  light entering the shop from the back side. 

A lot of liquor cartons were missing. Goverdhan Vulas police were informed of the theft. The salesman also informed that the cartons lifted were those of expensive branded liquor. Three dozen cartons were taken away by the thieves. 

The last footage in the CCTV was recorded at 1:15 a.m., post that there is no recording available. The thieves disconnected the CCTV by cutting the wires before they cut the iron sheet shutter.