
SC bars BEd degree holders from teaching primary school students

Specialized skills essential for primary school teachers in nurturing young learners


The Supreme Court's decision stated that individuals with BEd degrees cannot serve as primary school teachers. Instead, the focus should be on quality education, allowing diploma holders in elementary education to be eligible for primary teaching positions. In 2018, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) initially indicated BEd as a requirement for primary teachers. However, the court found that the NCTE was not adequately emphasizing the importance of a teacher's pedagogical skills.

Nevertheless, the Supreme Court invalidated this stance, asserting that the right to education inherently encompasses the provision of high-quality instruction. The Court argued that appointing teachers without proper training for primary-level children would constitute a compromise on the educational standard. Furthermore, the Court emphasized that young learners at the primary level necessitate skilled educators capable of nurturing and handling them with both care and sensitivity. This is particularly crucial during these formative years when students take their initial steps into the classroom environment.

“A candidate who has a diploma in elementary education (D.EI.ED) is trained to handle students at this level, as he has undergone a pedagogical course. A person who has a BEd qualification has been trained to impart teaching to secondary and higher secondary students. The ‘academic authority’ which is NCTE, is mandated by the Act to set up a curriculum and evaluation procedure for all-round development of a child, mindful of all fears and anxieties which a child may have.” - The Bench said