
CBSE Class 10 - Computation of the Final Marks Statement, Results by 20 July

Improvement Written Examinations between August 15 and September 15


Supreme Court upholds the marking scheme proposed by CBSE and ICSE as acceptable

Subsequent to the acceptance of the marking scheme proposed by the CBSE, the final marks statement will be prepared on the basis of the internal examinations conducted during the academic session.

All the examinations barring the pre-boards were conducted online during the session that was impaired due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The class X results will be declared on 20 July, said a statement from the CBSE.

The CBSE will hold written compartment examinations between August 15 and September 15 for students who are not satisfied with the marks given to them.

The marks statement will have detailed information on the marks secured during the academic year as internal marks and marks secured in periodic tests, mid-term and pre-boards. 20% score will be submitted by the school and 80% will be based on the exams held during the year. The board, while arriving at the final result, will provide a grace marks component in the final result if the student does not secure the minimum marks to clear the Class 10 board examinations.

Even after adding the grace marks component, if the student fails to qualify, she/he will be placed in the Essential Repeat or Compartment Category, as the case may be.

The Supreme Court, in the meanwhile has upheld the marking scheme submitted by CBSE as well as CISCE for Class 12 and termed it Fair and Reasonable. The apex court in a statement, said that there was no reason to interfere with the CBSE and CISCE schemes.