
CBSE to introduce skill subjects for classes 6 and 8

Skill subjects like AI, AR, Financial Literacy and Coding will be taught along with few others


Coding syllabus will be prepared by Microsoft

The developing AI (Artificial Intelligence) platforms has shown significant growth in the technical industry. As AI is becoming famous, The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is anticipated to introduce coding and Artificial Intelligence to promote skill education from classes 6 to 8 onwards. This has been introduced by The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Along with Artificial Intelligence and Financial literacy, the board has listed 33 subjects. The other subjects are Coding, Augmented Reality (AR), Kashmiri Embroidery, Application Studies and Mass Media. The Education Ministry, earlier came up with a new education policy in 2020. In the policy it was recognized that mathematics and mathematical thinking would be very important for India’s leadership role which will include artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science etc. 

"Thus, mathematics and computational thinking will be given increased emphasis throughout the school years, starting with the foundational stage, through a variety of innovative methods, including the regular use of puzzles and games that make mathematical thinking more enjoyable and engaging. Activities involving coding will be introduced in the  Middle Stage." 

These will contain 12-15 hours in duration and also schools have been told that 70% of the time duration of these subjects must be devoted to hand-on activities and 30% to theory. The syllabus for coding will be prepared by Microsoft. These skill modules can also be taught during vacation time, summer camp or in activity periods, as advised by NEP.