
Examinations at MLSU postponed due to Parshuram Jayanti

Examinations conducted by MLSU of various subjects to be held on 18-Apr have been postponed after State Government announced a holiday on account of Parshuram Jayanti.


Examinations conducted by MLSU of various subjects to be held on 18-Apr have been postponed after State Government announced a holiday on account of Parshuram Jayanti.

12 papers have been impacted due to the announcement of this holiday.

Examination controller Dr R.C. Kumawat informed that 4 papers of regular students of first year Arts steam will now be held on 16-May and third year Arts students will have their paper on 12-May.

Due papers of BHM third semester will be held on 25-Apr. 2 papers of First year Science and one paper each of BSc (Biotech) and BSc(Home Science) will be held on 28-Apr.

3 papers of Third year Science, BSc-Home Science part III and PGDCA will be held on Apr-30.