
IIT Bombay set to introduce dual degree in Quantum Technology

BTech students eligible for enrolment


IIT Bombay has recently announced its plans to introduce an innovative Interdisciplinary Dual Degree Programme (IIDDP) in the field of Quantum Technology. This groundbreaking program will provide students with the opportunity to explore the exciting realms of Quantum Technology through a comprehensive and interdisciplinary curriculum. In addition, Mahapatra mentioned that the eligibility for the IIDDP  program would extend to students pursuing a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) course at IIT Bombay. Although the specific framework of the dual degree program is still being fine-tuned, Mahapatra outlined its core components. The program is projected to span two years, encompassing specialized courses dedicated to quantum technology and practical project work conducted in collaboration with research groups associated with QuICST.

Suddhasatta Mahapatra, an esteemed assistant professor of Physics at IIT Bombay, revealed that the Centre of Excellence in Quantum Information Computing Science and Technology (QuICST) will spearhead the offering of the course. As a distinguished faculty member, Mahapatra highlighted the significance of this initiative, emphasizing the pivotal role QuICST will play in delivering the program. 

Similar to existing dual degree programs, this upcoming program will enable students to acquire both a Bachelor's and Master's degree within a consolidated timeframe of five years. Specifically, students enrolled in the BTech course will have the opportunity to opt for this interdisciplinary program during their third year of study.

What is Quantum Science & Technology?

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to a range of quantum technologies, exploring the fundamental principles of quantum physics, quantum systems, and the engineering hurdles associated with them. It provides an overview of different approaches to implementing quantum communication and computation, and delves into the underlying scientific and engineering concepts that drive these technologies.

Source: The Indian Express