
Rajasthan to Offer Scholarships to Children of Pakistani Immigrants

School-going children of Pakistani immigrants will receive free education in private schools


The Rajasthan government is launching a new scholarship scheme for the children of Pakistani immigrants residing in the state. This initiative, proposed by the education department, aims to be part of the  budget to be presented in July.

Under this scheme, school-going children of Pakistani immigrants will receive free education in private schools, along with uniforms, books, and coaching facilities. Sources revealed that the process has already begun with letters sent to district collectors requesting information on children aged between 6 and 14 years born to Pakistani parents.

Rajasthan is home to over 35,000 Pakistani migrants, including many children who face difficulties in accessing education due to their status as foreign nationals until they are granted citizenship. These children often find themselves ineligible for admission to private schools.

The dropout rate among these children is alarmingly high, with 95% leaving school to support their families financially. The new scholarship scheme aims to address this issue by providing necessary educational support and resources.

Officials noted that the directorate of education in Bikaner has also sought suggestions from individuals and organizations working for Pakistani migrants in the state.

Source: The Times of India