
Seedling School Udaipur celebrates Republic Day


Seedling Group of Schools celebrated the 73rd Republic Day with patriotic fervour today. The event was held in a hybrid mode, with the school management coordinating the activities from school, while children participating online from their homes.

The program commenced with the unfurling of the Tricolour by the Director, Mr Hardeep Bakshi and Principal  Ms. Keerti Maken along with management and staff members in the school campus followed by the National Anthem.

Students of both primary and secondary section participated in the program from their homes. A special online assembly was conducted, that included speeches on the history and importance of Republic Day and on Constitutional Rights & Duties. Patriotic dance and songs, recitation of a Hindi poem dedicated to the Nation and speeches by the students in English & Hindi, respectively on poignant aspects & nuances of the Indian Constitution were also a part of the program.

A number of online activities across classes was organized for the primary students. The students of Class III enthralled the audience by their dance performance. Talk - apprising about the Preamble & the National Symbols of India,  patriotic poem by the students & Nukkad Natak on the evil practices of the society & pledging to refrain from practicing it were also part of event. The Principal praised the efforts of the students, briefing about the making of the Indian Constitution, its unique features and the fact that all students and the younger generation need to know about the Constitution in order to understand how they have to live life in future and channelizing their tender minds towards what is right and ethical.

The Director of the school, Mr. Bakshi apprised  about the fact that the school is taking initiative to acquaint and enlighten students about the Constitution and its details in a compehensive manner.