
RCA Organizes Plantation Drive

The Department of Agronomy and Plant Physiology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, organized a Palntation Day today in the College premises.


The Department of Agronomy and Plant Physiology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, organized a Palntation Day today in the College premises.

Saplings of various types were planted and Professor O.P. Gill, Vice Chancellor, MPUAT spoke on the importance of plants in our lives addressing the audience including employees, students and officials of the University.

Students, employees and personnel including Dr. S.R. Maloo, Dean; Dr. Ganpat Singh, Department Head did plantations on this day.

The plantation event will be carried for the next 15 days, as informed by the Dean.  “There are many possibilities to grow various plants and trees as in Rajasthan we have favorable soil and environment”, said Dr. Chauhan.