
Will the wedding bells ring this season in 2020??

Corona, you spoilt the wedding season!!
Covid19 has attacked the wedding season of this year. Not enough wedding muhurats left.

Damn corona!! The entire wedding season has been spoilt. All those excited minds and hearts are now in deep thoughts as there are not enough muhurats left this year. Most of the weddings have been deferred. The virus attack has proved quite a huge blow on the people who were making wedding arrangements and on those who were organising the events. As per the astrologers, there are very few auspicious days left in wedding-2020 and most of the weddings will now probably take place in 2021. 

For 2020 the next wedding season begins tomorrow i.e. 15th April until May 19th, but covid19 has taken its toll on the weddings and the lockdown period has to be abided by. It may be noted that this year April and May have the maximum muhurats post which there are only 3 muhurats in June, 2 in November and 2 in December. From July to 24th November, there is no such auspicious ocassion which means that the only hope is in 2021. Another point is that there are no muhurats in January 2021, just 2 in February 2021 and none in March 2021.

People want to be safe and all the weddings have been cancelled from the period between April 2020 to May 2020. This also means that there will be a tremendous pressure in June and people are tensed as each one had this dream of making the wedding happen as per the decided dates. 

With quite a few muhurats left, it will become quite difficult to select and finalise the venues in time. As of now the event organisers and the caterers are also suffering losses as their source of earnings have been vastly affected. One of the pandits informed that 45 weddings were supposed to take place in April, May and June but now most of them have cut a sorry figure which is quite understandable, though the entire season is spoiled for the people who were expecting to earn from the wedding season. Even the music bands are tensed as they do not have a penny to pay for the team and taking care of the horses is yet another question mark.