
Do you know that the curry leaves or the kadhi patta has many health benefits?

Curry leaves used most commonly in poha and kadhi are rich in Vitamins B2, B6 and B9.

If you are craving for glowing skin and lustrous hair, then curry leaves are a good solution.

Curry leaves, kadhi patta or meetha neem...are the different names of many-health-benefits-in-one. If these medicinal leaves are used regularly, a person can have lots of benefits and who wouldn't love glowing skin and lustrous hair!!

Poha is considered incomplete without the "tadka" of curry leaves. The taste and the aroma of these leaves adds to the taste of poha and it becomes really delicious. Then Kadhi which is a part of the Rajasthani cuisine gets the perfect aroma with these leaves. 

South India has been using curry leaves in just almost everything. They use curry leaves even for non-veg dishes. Do you know what is the reason behind long flowing black hair and glowing skin of the people of southern part of India? The secret lies in these curry leaves.

The aromatic curry leaves are rich in Vitamin B2, B6 and B9. These vitamins are essential for a healthy glowing skin and lustrous hair. The leaves also have iron, calcium, phosphorous and other elements which protect the body against high blood pressure, diabetes, anemia and a lot more diseases. 

The folic acids and iron help in reducing the risk of anemia. The curry leaves are also said to keep blood sugar in control. The fibres present in the leaves create a positive effect on the insulin keeping sugar in control. 

The leaves are quite a good friend when it comes to digestion of food. When consumed on empty stomach, the curry leaves bring the enzymes in action helping in smooth clearance of the wastes from the body. The other benefits are maintaining the level of cholestrol in the blood, hence helping in maintaining a good healthy heart. 

So add curry leaves to your food just the way you would add green coriander and see the effect on your health.