
Udaipur Round Table throws Halloween Party

The party hall at Hotel Rajdarshan had some special guests last night which included Vampires, Egyptian Mummies, Ghosts and Red Horned Devils. The group of all the horrifying characters had a great time partying till midnight.


The party hall at Hotel Rajdarshan had some special guests last night which included Vampires, Egyptian Mummies, Ghosts and Red Horned Devils.  The group of all the horrifying characters had a great time partying till midnight.

We are talking about the special Halloween Social Party which was organized by the Round Table Udaipur members (UURT234) last night on 31st Oct to celebrate the annual All Saint’s Eve.

Around 34 men and women in their spooky attires gathered to mark the day of Halloween with fun and entertainment.

“We at Round Table like to celebrate all world functions to the best of core. The Halloween Party was a part of the Round Table’s global spirit”, said Madhu Dube, one of the members of UURT 234.

The members took part in several in-house competitions and tried their best to win by displaying themselves as the most terrifying and horrendous characters.

“We had three prizes viz. Best Male & Best Female Costume and Best Dressed Couple” said Aviral Jain.

Aviral informed that, “There were games like wrapping the mummy and more. It was real fun to see the creativity of all the members. We gave away gifts to the couple who came as Osama and a Cop. Besides this, there were members dressed up as a pirate, Harry Potter, dancing queen and vampire.”