Try These Yoga Poses After Dinner For A Good Night's Sleep
Sleep, a necessary ingredient for a healthy lifestyle, is best resorted too, after a hard days work. To ensure that sleep is not compromised during the nocturnal hours, there are a few Dos and Donts which sleep specialists advocate.
One of such is incorporating Yoga aasans in your daily routine. These Yoga poses, if made a part of your evening routine, have been tested and tried to unwind you, ease the physical tension and prepare your body and mind for a relaxed sleep and restful sleep quality. Lets check on these:
Balasana (or the Child's Pose)
stretches the back, hips and thighs; releases the tension in the back and shoulders.
Sit with knees on the floor right ahead and sit on your heels. Bend ahead and stretch to extend your arms forward, rest the forehead to the ground, and breathe deeply. This helps ease symptoms of headaches, migrane and PMS.
Viparita Karani (or the Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose)
reduces the swelling in the legs and eases the nervous system.
Lie on your back and bolster your legs up against a wall. Place a pillow or place your pamls below the lower back for added support. This pose helps in digestion.
Supta Baddha Konasana (or Reclining Bound Angle Pose)
promotes relaxation...
To Read More on the other Yoga Asanas to help you Sleep with ease... CLICK HERE