
Gulab Bagh faces injustice-Cleanliness drive

Trees are being cut in Gulab Bagh in the name of cleanliness.


In the name of cleanliness drive, Gulab Bagh has become the victim of injustice of administration. Big shady trees which provide relief to masses from heat are being cleared away in the name of cleanliness.

Municipal Corporation is cutting away plants and trees in Gulab Bagh. This is disturbing the natural environment and beauty of this ancient and beautiful garden. If trees will be felled at this rate, Gulab Bagh will lose its beauty and importance, both. This is one of the most beautiful gardens built during ancient times. Public even filed a complaint against this but Gulab Bagh’s AEN has reportedly feigned innocence on this topic.

Surprisingly Gulab Bagh is becoming a centre of iron products. Iron fencing, iron tree shelters and iron just everywhere can be seen. All this is being done in the name of protection of this garden. If trees and plants will be cut off, what beauty will this garden hold? The name of the garden itself proves that it has more of natural beauty but the present cleanliness drive will diminish its importance.

This is one place where people enjoy their morning walks, events like laughter and yoga day are organised, the old and aged have a good time with their grandchildren and all this because of the freshness that prevails in the air of this garden.

With trees being cut, the garden will fall short of fresh air. Its beauty is being taken away by the cleanliness project and this needs to stop immediately. Administration needs to look into this issue as soon as possible else the garden which holds historical significance will be lost forever.