
Harsh Suthar of Seedling Udaipur to represent Indian team at International Junior Science Olympiad

Success belongs to the determined, the focused and the courageous who have purpose, work hard, and believe in dogged pursuit of their goals.
Two students from Udaipur have been selected to the 300 member Indian team

Harsh Suthar, s/o Omprakash Suthar has qualified at the Indian Olympiad qualifier in Junior Science (IOQJS 2020-21). Harsh is currently in Class X at Seedling Modern Publc School, Udaipur.

He has been selected in top 300 students of National Standard Examination in Junior Science for selection of International team to represent India. He is ONE among the ONLY TWO students selected from UDAIPUR. This prestigious Olympiad is conducted by Homi Bhabha centre for science education.