
MMPS student stands 2nd at National Level Debate Competition

At the All India English Debate Competition 2015, organized in the memory of Lady Anusuiya Singhania on 30th-31st August, student of Maharana Mewar Public School Himadri Sharma stood second among 27 schools.

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At the All India English Debate Competition 2015, organized in the memory of Lady Anusuiya Singhania on 30th-31st August, student of Maharana Mewar Public School Himadri Sharma stood second among 27 schools.

The class 11th student, Himadri received Rs. 5500 cash with trophy. Along with her, other student Mriganika Singh Tanwar of class 10th won the consolation prize and received Rs. 4000 cash.

MMPS stood third place at national level in overall competition.