
The Junior Study Students Shine in SOF English Olympiad

English is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together they commonly use English to communicate. Therefore it is important that the children learn good English from a young age.


English is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together they commonly use English to communicate. Therefore it is important that the children learn good English from a young age.

The Junior Study pupils did a marvelous job in the 6th International English Olympiad.

Maitreya Chaturvedi (class 1) was number 4 in the state and 4th in international ranking. For his excellent performance he received gifts worth Rs. 1,000, a Zonal Gold Medal, a Merit Certificate and a Participation Certificate.

Harshith Reddy (class 1) was 12th in the state and 14th internationally. Harshith got  gifts worth Rs. 1,000, a Gold Medal of Excellence, a Certificate of Excellence and a Merit Certificate.

Shaurya Mehta (class 2) was 11th in the state and 11th internationally.  Shaurya received gifts worth Rs. 1,000, a Gold Medal of Excellence, a Certificate of Excellence and a Merit Certificate.

Isha Chaturvedi (class 4) was number 4 in the state and 4th internationally. For her great job, Isha received gifts worth Rs. 1,000, a Zonal Gold Medal, a Merit Certificate and a Participation Certificate.

On top of all these wonderful performances, Ishika Jain (class 3) was 6th in the state in International Olympiad of English Language (iOEL) Level 2 (2016) organized by Silver Zone Foundation.