
RNT Medical College - Public appeal for Plasma donation from cured symptomatic COVID19 patients

Citing the rising number of positive cases and deaths in the district, RNT Medical College has taken the initiative of launching Plasma therapy, the first session of which, is being conducted today. Plasma donations have been sought from cured COVID19 patients in the Udaipur division.

Rising number of cases in Udaipur

  • 29 new cases in less than 24hrs
  • 12 COVID deaths
  • Total Positive: 1171
  • Total Active cases cross 200

Dr Lakhan Poswal, Principal of RNT Medical College, Udaipur, has appealed for Plasma donation from cured COVI19 patients in Udaipur district.

Citing the rising number of positive cases and deaths in the district, RNT Medical College has taken the initiative of launching Plasma therapy, the first session of which, is being conducted today.

Dr Poswal has made a public appeal to all symptomatic COVID patients who have fully recovered and who belong to the districts of Udaipur, Chittor, Dungerpur and Banswara in Udaipur division to come forward as Plasma donors. RNT Medical College will arrange for their pick up and drop.

These are the guidelines for cured COVID19 patients who are willing to be Plasma donors

  • Only those patients who were symptomatic and were diagnosed with at least cold and cough when tested positive, are eligible to be Plasma donors.
  • Plasma can be donate after 28 days and before 4 months of being cured.
  • Donor's age needs to be between 18-55 years.
  • Donor's weight needs to be above 55kg.

Female donors meeting the above requirements can donate ONLY if they have not conceived till the date of donation.

Willing donors can call Dr Bhagchand, Plasma Donor Transfusion Medicine, RNT Medical College on 9982839503.

Need, benefit and process of Plasma therapy

  • Blood is made up of 4 constituents – red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC) platelets and plasma.
  • Plasma is the most liquid constituent of blood, through which anti bodies float in the body. These antibodies help in fighting the virus in a symptomatic patient’s body.
  • when a COVID patient recovers completely, his blood has the antibodies to a large extent. The plasma from the cured patient is injected into the blood of COVID patients. The antibodies in the transferred plasma help in fighting the novel corona virus.
  • A cured COVID patient can become a Plasma donor after 28 days of being cured.
  • Plasma from one donor can be injected into the body of up to two patients.
  • 200 ml plasma can be transferred in one go.
  • Plasma can be stored for a period of 1 year at temperatures of -60 degree Celsius.

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