
Ban Caging of Aerial Birds-AWBI advisory to all States and Union Territories

The Animal Welfare Board of India following an appeal by PETA issued directives to ensure that aerial birds are henceforth not kept in cages. 

Flying is the fundamental right of the birds. 

"Let the birds feel the wind beneath their wings".

The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) after an appeal by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India issues an advisory against the caging of aerial birds. The advisory is to be followed by all states and Union Territories and they must ensure that it is strictly followed.

AWBI’s advisory refers to the judgement passed by the Gujarat High Court and an order of the Delhi High Court recognizing that all birds have the fundamental right to fly and should not be caged under any circumstances. The 2014 judgement of the Supreme Court was also quoted by the AWBI that the animals have fundamental rights including the right to live with dignity.

PETA’s Senior advocacy officer Harshil Maheshwari said that the birds must not be caged and be allowed to feel the wind beneath their wings. He also said, “PETA India is calling on every resident to respect the freedom of birds by watching them in their natural habitats instead of caging them.”

As per the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals Act 1960, it is illegal to confine any animal in any cage or other area which does not measure sufficiently in height, length, and breadth to permit the animal a reasonable opportunity of movement. For an aerial bird, reasonable opportunity includes flight.  When the birds are caged, their freedom of sand baths, dancing, building nests, nurturing their young etc. are taken away.

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