
Bike theft increasing in Udaipur 

3 bikes on average are stolen everyday


305 Bike thefts in 6 months from 13 police station area...

Bike thefts have become a rampant issue in the city, with an average of three bikes being stolen daily. From January to June, the police station areas have reported a total of 305 such cases. Among them, the Surajpole police station area has recorded the highest number of incidents, with 59 cases reported. It is noteworthy that the theft activities have been captured on CCTV cameras at the scene of the crimes. The thieves specifically target Hero, Honda, and Bajaj vehicles, as they are easily sold in nearby villages. Despite the availability of video evidence, the authorities have thus far been unable to apprehend these thieves.

Incidents of bike theft have reached audacious levels, as a thief brazenly made off with a bike during daylight hours, merely 100 meters away from the Surajpole police station. The owner of the stolen bike discovered the incident when reviewing the CCTV footage, which clearly captured a young man carrying out the theft. The victim promptly reported the incident to the police station, adding to the growing list of similar occurrences across other police station areas. It is disconcerting to note that bike thieves often manage to evade capture, even in the presence of police patrolling, as they successfully flee the scene after carrying out their illicit activities.

Upon analyzing the available data, it has come to light that the lowest number of bike thefts, with three cases each, were reported in the Dabok and Nai police station areas. The police have only managed to recover a mere 30 bikes, which accounts for a mere 9.8 percent of the total stolen bikes. Regrettably, in the remaining cases, no substantial leads or clues have been identified to aid in the recovery of the stolen bikes.

Bikes manufactured by Hero, Honda, and Bajaj continue to be prime targets for vehicle thieves due to a vulnerability in their aging locks, which are easily broken. Thieves often target these bikes with the intention of selling them in nearby villages. In cases where immediate sale is not possible, the stolen bikes are disassembled, and their parts are sold at significantly reduced prices to mechanics who utilize them for repairs. To avoid detection, the thieves hide the stolen bikes in remote villages or deserted areas within the city for a temporary period. Recently, an incident came to light where a bike was discovered hidden in the bushes near a religious site in the Sajjangarh area. This discovery was made during the investigation of arrested thieves, providing valuable leads in the ongoing efforts to combat bike theft.

The strategy of hiding stolen bikes in villages is based on the fact that traffic police presence and enforcement is typically minimal in those areas. This makes it easier for thieves to sell the stolen bikes, as buyers in villages often do not require proper documentation and the bikes are available at lower prices. The increased incidence of bike theft can be attributed to the involvement of drug addicts, who engage in these criminal activities to support their substance abuse and personal gratification. These individuals steal and sell vehicles in the hopes of quickly accumulating a sum of Rs.20,000 to 25,000. 

Police Station Bike Stolen Bikes Recovered Recovered Percentage%
Surajpole 59 4 6.77
Bhopalpura 29 4 13.79
Pratapnagar 38 2 5.26
Hiranmagri 32 3 9.37
Savina 31 9 29.03
Ambamata 31 8 25
Hathipole 32 4 12.5
Sukher 23 0 0
Ghantaghar 5 1 20
Dhanmandi 4 2 50
Goverdhan Vilas 15 3 20
Nai 3 0 0
Dabok 3 0 0

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