
Bird flu scare-Prices of poultry dip 

Demand for poultry product has gone excessively down due to Bird flu. 

-Poultry industry suffers losses.

-Bird flu scare has resulted in public refraining from poultry products.

The Bird flu scare has resulted in a massive dip in the demand and prices of poultry products. As a result, the poultry dealers are suffering huge losses daily. Initially it was corona that led to a drop in the consumption of non-vegetarian food. Now the fear has all the more doubled up as the Bird flu has hit the nation.

It all began with thousands of crows dying due to Bird flu in Jhalawar. The flu then spread to various parts and has resulted in a drop in the demand for poultry products. Poultry dealers are incurring heavy losses though it was also notified that poultry products are safe and any meat must be cooked well before consumption.

The sale of eggs has also gown terribly down. The prices of poultry dipped to the extent of 35 percent but the scare has made people pull back their hands. As informed by a poultry dealer, he used to sell almost one lakh eggs per day and 5000 kilos of broiler chicken. Because of the scare the graph of eggs has dipped to 65000 units in just 3 days and that of chicken to 3200 kilos. The losses are to the extent of 12 lakh rupees and it is being estimated that this will continue bringing the business to a halt.

This is not the first time that Bird flu has hit the winged creatures. It was first detected in geese in China in 1997. It re-emerged in 2005 and the year was termed as ‘the year of bird flu’.  A survey in 2005 by WHO named avian influenza as the number-one health concern (as per statistics available) of that time.