
Delay in Sukhadia Circle Children's Game Zone Project 

The proposed game zone aims to offer a diverse range of activities...


The much-anticipated game zone planned for children at Sukhadia Circle in Udaipur city remains a distant dream, as hurdles continue to impede its progress. Despite the city having over 75,000 children between the ages of 0 to 9, the lack of modern recreational facilities persists, leaving the youth with limited entertainment options.

Delay in Materialization

Despite the location being finalized and proposals discussed in municipal board meetings, the project has failed to materialize beyond paperwork. Excuses ranging from pending land finalization to compliance with regulations have been cited, yet tangible progress is elusive.

The stagnant progress of the game zone contrasts sharply with the proactive ventures of private individuals, who have capitalized on vacant lands to establish profitable gaming zones. 

Activities to be Included in Game Zone

The proposed game zone aims to offer a diverse range of facilities including computer games, racing games, water activities, rides, and physical and electronic gaming options. Additionally, suggestions have been made to beautify city parks by incorporating indoor baby game zones, swimming pools, swings, and gym equipment.

Call for Municipal Action

With neighboring cities both within and outside the state havinf similar recreational amenities, residents urge the Municipal Corporation to prioritize the development of the game zone. They emphasize the potential benefits it could bring to the city's youth and overall community well-being.

As Udaipur's youth continue to await the realization of the long-promised game zone, pressure mounts on Municipal authorities to expedite the project and fulfill the city's dire need for modern recreational facilities.

Source:Rajasthan Patrika