
Do not be misled by fake news: The fact is "RBI has not stopped rupee '2000' currency notes"

A misleading post on social media claims that rupee 2000 currency notes have been stopped by RBI and ATMs will have only 100, 200 and 500 rupee notes. 

-FACT : The number of notes may have gone low but RBI has not stopped 2000 rupee note.

-The news was circulated because ATMs stopped giving 2000 rupee notes and faek news was being spread regarding this denomination. 

Fake news is being circulated over social media regarding RBI stopping the circulation of currency notes with 2000 rupees denomination. It is advised that this news be ignored as Press Information Bureau has confirmed that the news is viral yet fake and RBI has not taken any such step. RBI has not yet given any statement regarding this.

The social media circulation of this news came probably because the ATMs suddenly stopped dispensing the 2000 rupee denomination. The only currency notes that were found in the ATMs were 100, 200 and 500 rupee denominations.

The fact is that the ATMs had merely stopped dispensing 2000 rupee notes due to the number of 2000 rupee notes going low. Although RBI has not printed a single 2000 rupee denomination between June 2018 and June 2020, it has not stopped the supply of this denomination.

RBI has not given any statement on this, and it is obvious that any such information would have made big news. If RBI wishes to withdraw any denomination, it will make a clear statement about it. So any such information received over social media must be completely ignored.

(media reports)