
Administration face setbacks in introducing women-driven E-Rickshaws in Udaipur 

The Administration started initiative of promoting E-Rickshaw for pollution-free environment also faced setbacks...


In the inner city of Udaipur, neither e-rickshaws are operational nor are they placed in the hands of women, despite the district administration's efforts to convey a message of women's empowerment and environmental conservation. Six months ago, the district administration planned to provide 11 e-rickshaws to women through various companies under the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) scheme. The goal was to increase women's participation in this initiative, making them owners and not charging fares for e-rickshaws. 

Unfortunately, this plan did not progress further. Previous attempts by the District Administration and Municipal Corporation to introduce e-rickshaws also faced challenges. Initially, there was interest and the system worked well for a few days, but gradually, women stopped operating them, rendering the e-rickshaws obsolete.

Due to a lack of supervision and drivers, the rickshaws previously operated by the municipality turned into scrap. Under a fresh CSR approach, the District Administration aimed to provide these rickshaws directly to women, but this plan also failed. These rickshaws were intended to provide free transportation to students, offering convenience for women to reach hospitals, colleges, government offices and markets, facilitating communication and enhancing their ease of movement.

Additionally, the objective was to create a pollution-free city by offering affordable rent for this minimal mode of transport. In the narrow lanes of the inner city, e-rickshaws are the only viable option. Currently, these lanes experience traffic jams due to four-wheeled vehicles and school buses, exacerbating congestion. Operating more e-rickshaws could alleviate this congestion, offering an easy and convenient means of transportation for both tourists and residents, making the city more environmentally friendly.

Source: Rajasthan Patrika