
Who is this French youth Hitchhiking his way across the globe

Travelled across 14 countries , covered more 16000 kilometers so far.


Lucas is travelling from France to New Zealand and reached Udaipur on 4 July

Travelling from one place to another be it a city or a country just by taking a lift (hitchhiking)! Isn't it interesting and hugely economical too? 

The cheapest way to travel is to stand with just a thumb sticking out and asking people for a lift and if you are lucky enough someone might as well give you a ride along your destination, if not all the way.

But how would you feel if you came to know that a 24 yr old has travelled across 14 countries and has covered nearly 16,000 kilometers merely by taking lift from vehicles/boats.

Meet Lucas Venner from France

With the desire to explore cultures, traditions and customs of various countries, Lucas Venner decided to start his unique journey from France to New Zealand . To make his journey highly economical, he sought to hitchhike as his only means of transport.

"I had to wait for hours to get a lift. Once I had to wait for 2 hours in Greece to get a lift." - Lucas

Lucas has travelled more than 5 countries and has covered around 16,000 kilometers in the last five months. He has travelled in almost 300 vehicles including cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, tanks and even on horseback.

He crossed the Mediterranean Sea from Italy to Albania and the Capsian sea from Azerbaïjan to Kazakhstan using a boat.

In his conversation with Udaipur Times, the 24 year old youth hailing from Liverdun, France said that he started his journey in February this year and so far he has travelled across France, Italy, Vaticano, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan and Pakistan and is now in India. 

A Mechanical Engineer by profession, Lucas said that he was always passionate about travelling and exploring new cultures and customs of different kinds around the world.

He said that some of the people offered him a ride of 100 meters and some of them were generous that they gave him a ride of more than 500 kilometers. But every day was not a Sunday for him. Sharing an incidence that took place with him at Azerbaijan, where he was arrested by the country's Army who believed him to be a spy and more worse was that he had to spend a night in the lock up.

"Hitchhiking in India is crazy! I took more than a 100 lifts and i never  waited more than 5 minutes! The people here are very friendly, helpful and welcoming..." - Lucas

He entered India a month ago from Pakistan on a transit Visa and by taking lifts across the mountains of Dharmasala, visiting the Golden Temple at Amritsar and various places at Punjab and Haryana he reached the City of Lakes, Udaipur on Wednesday, that too by hitchhiking in a white Swift car.

Lucas said that most of the time he stays at the houses of the local people of the area at night and sometime people themselves invite him for the stay and dinner and sometime he spend his night in a tent.

After staying here at Udaipur for two days he will start his journey towards North India and then he will transit to Sri Lanka after a stop over in the southern part of India.