
Gulab Bagh’s Smriti Van transforms from tree uproot to biodiversity forest

Miyawaki technique will be used to install plants


Approximately four years ago in 2019, in Gulab Bagh, with the assistance of the Forest Department, a significant action was taken. More than half of the trees in the Smriti Van, totaling around 33 trees, were uprooted entirely. The remnants of these trees, along with the nameplates that were originally placed to identify them, have been left scattered in a pile of waste and debris. The noteworthy development in this area is the ongoing transformation into a biodiversity forest. This project aims to create a diverse and ecologically rich forested area, which is a significant departure from the previous state where trees were uprooted and discarded. 

"The Indian government is employing Miyawaki technology to establish small forests to combat air pollution. Others interested in contributing are encouraged to participate. I also received information about tree cutting, but upon investigation, it was discovered that these trees were already in poor condition." - Vasudev Malawat, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation.

Through Miyawaki technique 11,900 sq. meters plants will be planted

In February 2023, the Municipal Corporation issued a tender for the extensive afforestation of Pitru Smriti Van in Gulab Bagh and Barkat Colony using the Miyawaki technique. They plan to create a dense forest covering an area of 11,900 square meters within the urban vicinity. The contract, valued at Rs 1.42 Crore, was awarded to the contractor company Ekamya, located in Ahmedabad. The afforestation plan entails the planting of four plants per square meter, with one centrally located and three surrounding it. In dense forests found in South Africa and India, trees exhibit a tendency to grow tall and straight. Accordingly, the chosen plants in this project will be arranged in a similar manner, with the central plant expected to reach maximum height, while the peripheral ones will vary in their heights. 

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