
Heart Patients Must Take Covid Vaccination

The heart specialists and cardiologists are of the firm opinion that since covid has caused fatalities in heart patients,  it is imperative that they are vaccinated.

Vaccination of heart patients will act as a shield against Covid-19.

Post vaccination if heart patients get infected at all, they recover immediately.

Cardiologists and heart specialists are of the opinion that heart patients are at a great risk of contracting covid infection. They say that the virus affects the heart and its processes causing fatalities. It leads to heart injury, heart failure, and stroke.

Covid vaccination will act as a shield against covid-19 for the heart patients and it is imperative that they get vaccinated at the earliest, said Consultant Cardiologist and Associate Professor Dr. Imran Hafeez (SKIMS).

Emphasising on the importance of covid vaccination in heart patients, he said, “Vaccinated people get insulated against infection and they hardly catch the infection. However very few vaccinated individuals get a mild infection but they recover immediately.” Dr Hafeez also talked about the risk of covid to hypertension patients. He said that hypertension was one of the common risk factors but every high blood pressure patient was not at risk, hence people must not worry.

Physical inactivity has the strongest risk factor. Inactive patients are more likely to require intensive care and die compared to those who have been physically very active by means of exercising and other physical fitness activities. Various experts are of the opinion that sedentary lifestyle has posed to be the biggest threat to our nation.

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